At the heart of every POS terminal are robust security protocols and security measures to ensure each transaction goes through smoothly while rejecting suspicious or fraudulent attempts. However, every POS terminal model is not created equal and must be certified to comply with applicable laws and regulations before banks can deploy it to their clients.
At CardBiz, we can obtain various certifications and compliance from Visa, Mastercard, NetPay, Amex, MyDebit, PCi DSS and more for POS terminals on behalf of banks and financial institutions. We have a strong track record of certifying terminals of every make and model for numerous leading banks and financial institutions in Malaysia over the last 10 years.
Features & Benefits

Certification for New Models
Got a new model you are eager to deploy? Let CardBiz obtain all the necessary certifications for it

Visa, Mastercard, Amex & Union Pay Certification
Obtain certification to accept credit and debit cards from these popular issuers

Process Consulting
We provide consultation for banks and financial institutions on certification needs and the processes they need to undertake

Development Testing
Various tests are conducted during the development stage while following the strict guidelines by issuers

Certification Testing & Application
The terminals undergo more tests before submitting to the respective issuers for approval

Security Patches & Updates
As part of the compliance requirements, crucial security updates and patches are required to be pushed to remote terminals as soon as possible
Bank and Financial Partners